The Ganesh Utsav in Pune came with its usual cheerfulness this year and we had the chance to witness the festivities. We visited the famous Dagduseth Ganapati, the Mandai Ganapati and then went to Kasbapeth to see the puja there. The best part of the festivities were the Dhol-Tasha Pathaks, the volunteer drummer troupes, which played with military precision and ferocity. The beats were almost like an army marching to battle and must be witnessed if you are in Pune during the Ganesh Utsav.
The crowd was quite thick and being a claustrophobic, I was not able to use my camera with the usual coolness. Hope you like some of the photographs. For a change, there is a video too 🙂
The famous Dagduseth Ganapati
Milling crowds at the Ganapati Mandals to have a look at their favorite God
Glittering decorations at the Puja pandal
People at Laxmi road and the Dagduseth Ganapati in the background, build in the style of the Mysore Temple
The beautiful Dagduseth Temple
Navsacha Ganapati near Mandai, very colorful, with Shikaras docked in the front
While the volunteers were always busy ..
… shopkeepers waited for the business to start
Some Ganapatis still waited to be taken to their devotees
At Kasbah Peth, the puja was happening with great dignity and devotion ..
A Turhi player who was gracious enough to play on my silent request ..
A Highlight of the evening were the incredible Dhol-Tasha Pathaks who rocked the streets with their amazing art. More on them in the video
Hope you liked the photographs… and will like the video too 🙂