Tour Myanmar with Utmost Relaxation

by Adriana


Sep 8, 2012

Tour Myanmar  (1)

After being a British colony for 124 years, Myanmar (then known as Burma) found itself amidst a lot of political chaos. It tumult was fierce until the recent days. It had been primarily under military rule.

The initiative to develop Myanmar into a tourist hot spot was taken in the year 2009. It was mainly a government initiative but had been supported by the private sectors as well. It took a bit of time for the authorities to realize that they had a real treasure of a heritage on which they can bank upon to meet the financial needs of the Burmese civilians.

Tour Myanmar with Utmost Relaxation 1

Travel to Myanmar Exotica

With its breathtaking beauty Myanmar is actually one of the finest examples of oriental exotica. The pagodas, the colorful people, the crystal clear Inle Lake and many other factors add up to the sensation of being in this mesmerizing country. One would always crave to come back to the place if he once happens to be there.

Myanmar’s main international airport, the Yangon airport is connected to cities all over the world via international flights. Therefore it is not very difficult to reach Myanmar. The Burmese embassies in any country will be providing one with a Myanmar visa if he or she has a valid passport. There are a few varieties of visas and one can choose according to the necessity.

Carry Good Amount of Cash

One, who plans to travel Myanmar, must realize that he might have to face a problem using his debit or credit cards, since the Burmese banks won’t accept all of the cards. Therefore he must carry a good amount of cash with himself. The cash can be exchanged into the local currency from any authorized money exchanger of the country. The normal exchange rate for the US Dollar is around 800 Kyat for 1 $, but if one exchanges his money in the airport he would be at a loss. There the exchange rate is around 400 Kyat for a dollar. However, in case of EURO the rate is 1400 Kyat. Some of the places like a few hotels and restaurants will accept Euros.

Tour Myanmar with Utmost Relaxation 2

Bookings and Reservations

Booking a hotel in Myanmar can be a bit of a problem. Though online bookings are available, you will never know what the hotel actually is like unless you stay over there. Moreover, the charges of rooms depend upon the location of the hotels. If the hotel is situated at a place from where one will be able to access anywhere quite easily, then the rent of those rooms will naturally be more than those which are situated in a bit interior. The cost of the food will also vary from one place to the other.

Considering all these factors one must understand that planning a trip as big travel to Myanmar is not a matter that can be taken lightly. Therefore, it would be good to take the assistance from an efficient and experienced Myanmar tour operator. They will take up these tasks with utmost commitment and make sure that you enjoy your trip to every bit of it.


Author’s bio – Adriana Frederick is a proficient author and writes articles on travel and tourism. In this article Adriana has written for the on Travel to Myanmar.

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